 * $Id:,v 1.14 2008/07/16 03:51:37 koga Exp $
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Koga Laboratory. All rights reserved.

package org.mklab.tool.control.system.math;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.mklab.nfc.matrix.ComplexNumericalMatrix;
import org.mklab.nfc.matrix.RealNumericalMatrix;
import org.mklab.nfc.ode.PiecewiseContinuousAlgebraicSystem;
import org.mklab.nfc.ode.PiecewiseUtil;
import org.mklab.nfc.scalar.ComplexNumericalScalar;
import org.mklab.nfc.scalar.RealNumericalScalar;
import org.mklab.tool.control.system.continuous.BaseContinuousStaticSystem;
import org.mklab.tool.control.system.parameter.Parameter;
import org.mklab.tool.control.system.parameter.StringExternalizable;

 * 丸め関数を表わすクラスです。
 * @author Koga Laboratory
 * @version $Revision: 1.14 $, 2004/11/12
 * @param <RS> type of real scalar
 * @param <RM> type of real matrix
 * @param <CS> type of complex scalar
 * @param <CM> type of complex matrix
public class RoundingFunction<RS extends RealNumericalScalar<RS,RM,CS,CM>, RM extends RealNumericalMatrix<RS,RM,CS,CM>, CS extends ComplexNumericalScalar<RS,RM,CS,CM>, CM extends ComplexNumericalMatrix<RS,RM,CS,CM>> extends BaseContinuousStaticSystem<RS,RM,CS,CM> implements PiecewiseContinuousAlgebraicSystem<RS,RM,CS,CM>, StringExternalizable {

  /** 丸め関数の種類 */
  @Parameter(name = "functionType", description = "RoundingFunction.0", internationalization = true)
  private RoundingFunctionType type;

   * 新しく生成された<code>RoundingFunction</code>オブジェクトを初期化します。
   * @param sunit unit of scalar
  public RoundingFunction(RS sunit) {
    this(RoundingFunctionType.ROUND, sunit);

   * @see org.mklab.tool.control.system.SystemOperator#toString()
  public String toString() {
    return this.type.toString();

   * 新しく生成された<code>RoundingFunction</code>オブジェクトを初期化します。
   * @param type 丸め関数の種類
   * @param sunit unit of scalar
  public RoundingFunction(final RoundingFunctionType type, RS sunit) {
    super(-1, -1, sunit);
    this.type = type;

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public RM outputEquation( final RS t, final RM u) {

    switch (this.type) {
      case FLOOR:
        return u.floorElementWise();
      case CEIL:
        return u.ceilElementWise();
      case ROUND:
        return u.roundElementWise();
      case FIX:
        return u.fixElementWise();
        assert false : "never reached"; //$NON-NLS-1$    

    return this.sunit.createZeroGrid(u.getRowSize(), 1);

   * @see org.mklab.tool.control.system.SystemOperator#setInputSize(int)
  public void setInputSize(final int size) {

   * @see org.mklab.tool.control.system.SystemOperator#setOutputSize(int)
  public void setOutputSize(final int size) {

   * @see org.mklab.tool.control.system.parameter.StringExternalizable#getString(java.lang.String)
  public String getString(String key) {
    return Messages.getString(key);

   * 関数の式を返します。
   * @return 関数の式
  public String getFunction() {
    return this.type.getFunction();

   * @see org.mklab.tool.control.system.SystemOperator#equals(java.lang.Object)
  public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (this == o) {
      return true;
    if (!super.equals(o)) {
      return false;
    if (o == null) {
      return false;
    if (o.getClass() != getClass()) {
      return false;
    RoundingFunction<RS,RM,CS,CM> castedObj = (RoundingFunction<RS,RM,CS,CM>)o;
    return ((this.type == null ? castedObj.type == null : this.type.equals(castedObj.type)));

   * @see org.mklab.tool.control.system.SystemOperator#hashCode()
  public int hashCode() {
    int hashCode = super.hashCode();
    hashCode = 31 * hashCode + (this.type == null ? 0 : this.type.hashCode());
    return hashCode;

   * @see org.mklab.tool.control.system.SystemOperator#clone()
  public RoundingFunction<RS,RM,CS,CM> clone() {
    RoundingFunction<RS,RM,CS,CM> inst = (RoundingFunction<RS,RM,CS,CM>)super.clone();
    inst.type = this.type;
    return inst;

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public List<Integer> getPiece(RS t, RM u) {
    final int size = u.getRowSize();
    final List<Integer> pieces = new ArrayList<>(size);

    for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++) {
      final RS y = outputEquation(t, u).getElement(i);

    return pieces;

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public RS getDiscontinuousPoint(RS t1, RM u1, RS t2, RM u2) {
    final List<Integer> pieces1 = getPiece(t1, u1);
    final List<Integer> pieces2 = getPiece(t2, u2);
    if (pieces1.equals(pieces2)) {
      return this.sunit.getNaN();

    final int number = PiecewiseUtil.getDistinctPiece(pieces1, pieces2);

    final int piece1 = pieces1.get(number - 1);
    final int piece2 = pieces2.get(number - 1);

    final RS uu1 = u1.getElement(number);
    final RS uu2 = u2.getElement(number);

    if (piece1 < piece2) {
      final RS halfValue = uu1.floor().add(uu2.ceil()).divide(2);
      final RS halfValueTime = t1.add((halfValue.subtract(uu1)).divide((uu2.subtract(uu1))).multiply((t2.subtract(t1))));
      if (t2.isLessThan(halfValueTime)) {
        return t1.add(t2).divide(2);
      return halfValueTime;

    final RS halfValue = uu2.floor() .add(uu1.ceil()).divide(2);
    final RS halfValueTime = t1.add((uu1.subtract(halfValue)).divide((uu1.subtract(uu2))).multiply(t2.subtract(t1)));
    if (t2.isLessThan(halfValueTime)) {
      return t1.add(t2).divide(2);
    return halfValueTime;